
International Academy for Positive Psychotherapy and Transcultural Psychotherapy
– Peseschkian Foundation-
Langgasse 38-40,
65183 Wiesbaden, Germany
Tel.: + 49 611 / 34 11 675 and 34 11 674
Fax: + 49 611/ 34 11 676
e-mail: peseschkian.foundation@positivepsychotherapy.org
Website: www.positum.org or www.peseschkian-stiftung.de

World Association of Positive Psychotherapy /WAPP/
Luisenstrasse 28, 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany.
Tel.: +49-611-34109903,
Fax: +49-611-39990.

Dr. med. habil. Hamid Peseschkian
Facharzt fur Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
– Geshaftsfuhrung/Institutesleitung –
Wiesbadener Akademie fur Psychotherapie
Luisenstr. 28, D-65185 Wiesbaden, Germany
Tel.: 0611-373707
Fax: 0611-3757108
e-mail: hp@wiap.de
Website: www.wiap.de

Dr. Arno Remmers, референт за Юго-Източна Европа
ICPP Head Office at the Wiesbaden Academy of Psychotherapy
Langgasse 38-40,
D-65183 Wiesbaden, Germany
Tel.: +49-611-373707
Fax: +49-611-39990
e-mail: arno@arem.de or arno.remmers@wiap.de
Website: www.positum.org

Rosenbursenstr. 8/3/7
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/512 04 44
Fax: +43/1/512 05 70
е-mail: headoffice@worldpsyche.org

The European Association for Psychotherapy
Headoffice: Schnirchgasse 9A /4/410 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 513 17 29
Fax: +43 1 512 26 04
e-mail: eap.headoffice@europsyche.org
Internet: www.europsyche.org

Българска Асоциация по Психотерапия /БАП/
1143 София, ул. „Любен Каравелов” 15 c/o Център за култура и дебат „Червената къща”
e-mail: b.a.psychotherapy@gmail.com
Website: www.psychotherapy-bg.org