SPPB is a member of:
Full member of EFCPP and ICPP, based in Wisbaden /Germany/
Advantages :
- in our activities we strictly follow the guidelines set forth by the parent organizations;
- SPPB makes use of expert help from international trainers in its educational and supervising activities;
- awarding of international certificates to the successful graduates.
Member of BAPPC, based in Sofia
Advantages :
- open communication lines with the other schools of psychotherapy in Bulgaria;
- protection of the rights of the trainees in accordance with the requirements of Bulgarian law.
Associate member of EAP and WCP via the mediation of EFCPP and ICPP.
Advantages :
- On successful completion of SPPB’s courses Bulgarian candidates are guaranteed that their professional rights are internationally protected, as stated in UNO’s decision from 06.05.2003, which defines WCP as a non-governmental organization /see;
- Opportunity to be awarded the certificate for a psychotherapist with protected rights in Europe