Welcome to the Internet Site of the Society for Positive Psychotherapy in Bulgaria
The Society for Positive Psychotherapy in Bulgaria /SPPB/ is one of the biggest in size /together with Ukraine, Romania, Germany, Turkey and Russia taking the first places/ among the National Societies within the framework of WAPP. It was established in 1993 and registered as a non-profit organization on 18.11.1993.
In its systematic activities SPPB corresponds to Bulgaria’s current needs for qualified psychotherapists and the universal accessibility to psychotherapeutical help.
Positive Psychotherapy as a therapeutical method has been pioneered by Prof. Dr. med. Nossrat Peseschkian, who was born in Iran, but has been working and living in Germany since 1954. After graduation, he has specialized in the fields of Psychiatry and Psychoanalyses in Germany, Switzerland and the USA and founded an institute for postgraduate qualification of psychotherapists,
later Wiesbaden Academy for Psychotherapy, WIAP on a psychodynamic basis.
The method of Positive Psychotherapy was introduced in Germany as “Differentiation Analysis” in 1968 and renamed “Positive Psychotherapy” in 1977. Since then it has achieved worldwide acknowledgement, see the homepage of WAPP www.wapp.org.
Over 60 independent Centers of Positive Psychotherapy are currently functioning in more than 20 countries worldwide. They are members of WAPP and conduct certified trainings to become a “Positive Psychotherapy Consultant” /Basic Course/, a “Positive Psychotherapist” /Master Course/ or a “Positive Psychotherapist EAP” /Master Course including EAP-qualification, see www.europsyche.org/. It is an accredited European Wide Accrediting Organization /EWAO/ in the European Association for Psychotherapy /EAP/.
The WAPP headquarter is currently based in Wiesbaden /Germany/.