History of The Society for Positive Psychotherapy in Bulgaria

The Society for Positive Psychotherapy in Bulgaria /SPPB/ had its beginnings in the first seminars in Positive Psychotherapy, conducted by Dr. Arno Remmers /a close associate of the Dr. Nossrat Peseschkian, author of the method/ through the help of an interpreter, as far back as 1992.
One year later, 23 of the most enthusiastic seminar participants held a special meeting and thus the registration of the Society was officially declared.
In a period of two years Dr. Arno Remmers who had already mastered his command of the Bulgarian language, conducted a multitude of courses and seminars in different Bulgarian towns: Varna, Russe, Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo, Plovdiv, Dobritch, Gorna Oriahovitsa, Blagoevgrad and in 7 smaller towns. At approximately the same time he finished instructing the first Bulgarian lecturers and trainers in Positive Psychotherapy: Ivanka Bontcheva, Boriana Chalakova, Tsvetanka Marinova and Snejana Ilieva.
To the present moment more than 340 trainees (for the most part psychologists, doctors, pedagogues, teachers and social workers) have taken advantage of SPPB’s training modules. Graduates use the method in their work as psychotherapists or as part of their practices in other professional fields.
As of today, 61 specialists have been granted International certificates for acquired practical skills in the method of Positive Psychotherapy. The certification process is managed directly by ICPP after the Candidate has successfully defended a Thesis.
The Positive Psychotherapist Title and accompanying certificate have so far been awarded to 17 successful candidates. Another 20 candidates are in the process of finishing the last module of their education as psychotherapists.
7 candidates have received the Basic Trainer Certificate; 3 candidates have received the Master Trainer Certificate.
Striving to improve psychotherapists’ qualification, SPPB strictly follows EAP’ s unified guidelines (ICCP’s standardized educational program (see: “Education” Chapter) .
A group of lecturers also conducts thematic courses and seminars tailored to the specific needs of a targeted social group, organization or institution. SPPB takes part in task-orientated programs and projects as well.